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Fortune Global 500:Sinopec and CNPC made to the top ten


According to this year’s list of Fortune Global 500 Companies, A total of 129 Chinese companies feature in the list, surpassing the US for the first time, which has 121 companies on the list.
China's largest State-owned oil and gas company, Sinopec Group, climbed one spot to second place due to revenue and profit gains last year, according to a report by the magazine.
Behind Walmart – whose revenue was $514.41 billion – Sinopec Group last year recorded a 26.8 percent growth in revenue to $414.65 billion and profits of $5.85 billion, a year-on-year growth of 280.1 percent.
The results were driven largely by domestic demand for gas and chemical products, the report said.
Three Chinese companies, which work primarily with natural resources, made the list's top 5.
The Three Chinese Corporations That Made It To The Top Ten in 2019:
Company 2019 Rank 2011 Rank Revenues ($millions)
Sinopec Group 2 5 414,149
China National Petroleum 4 6 392,976
State Grid 5 7 387,056
By Chinadaily | 2019-07-25
The original title:《Top 10 companies in Fortune Global 500》