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Anton Issued the Working Standards --"Operations First," Striving for Greater Value for Clients

On May 21 Anton formulated and issued the working standards --"Operations First." According to the relevant requirements, all departments and sectors are required to organize projects in its operations, carry out project assessment, solicit clients' opinions, formulate and fulfill improvement measures. Taking "value creation for clients" as the core, great efforts are made to conduct the requirements concerned under the "Operations First."
In early May, Luo Lin, the chairman of the board, visited the major clients in the Middle East market. After acknowledging clients' demands, opinions and assessment and accurately analyzing the market situation, he strategically decided to establish the working standard "operations first" on the basis of Anton's vision, which aims to comprehensively improve client's service quality and satisfaction and realize an all-win, efficiency, sustainable development.
At the opening ceremony and seminar studying the "Operations First" on May 30, Luo Lin re-emphasized: "the working standing ‘Operations First’shall be Anton's name card. Wherever our business is developed, Anton is confident of our working standards. We dare to make a commitment to clients and compete with rivals and peers. This is the only way to achieve Anton's brand image--‘Operations First’in the whole industry and all targeted clients."
The "Operations First" abstract is as follows:

I. Purpose and Significance

Anton is devoted to be the model of development between man and his environment in an efficient and harmonious manner. Efficiency is to create value for clients, and harmony is to undertake social responsibility. Efficiency and harmony are not only precondition of Anton's survival and development, but also legitimate foundation of mightiness and compliance.
Pursuing "Operations First" is to prioritize value creation for clients and head for an all-win and efficient development. 

II. Definition 

The "Operations First" requires Anton to establish the benchmarking consciousness for each target market and client, purposefully seek for a reference system. The evaluation index focuses on clients' assessment results. Clients' major concerns are taken as the priority of Anton's work evaluation index. The operating index must be prioritized. Only in this way will Anton have survival and development. The specific requirements are as follows:  
1. Anton must rank the No. 1 in the target market where it has rivals. 
2. Anton must follow the high standards and requirements of the "operations first" in the target market such that it is superior to others;
3. Anton must be the No. 1 in the target market where it acts as the only one contractor;
III. Working Standards "Operations First"

1. Value Creation First
Anton's operations prioritize the value creation for clients. Our focus is what clients’ concerns are, which is the core of "Operations First". Besides, Anton makes contribution to society and promotes social progress.
2. Quality First
Actively conduct quality management, deliver high-quality products and service; pursue the delivery first; strictly fulfill the construction design and standard operating procedure (SOP) and strengthen process quality control.
3. Implement HSE First
Strictly fulfill the HSE management system to insure the effective unification of the system and implementation; sternly execute the twelve "people oriented" life-saving rules; pay high attention to employees' health management and conduct the environmental management responsibility system; enhance risk identification, management and control; fulfill the HSE management principles of "leadership demonstration, all staff participation, everyone's business and pursuit of excellence."
4. Efficiency First 
Carefully prepare resources and organize production efficiently; strive to increase efficiency and even non-work time during production
5. Equipment Management First
The preventive maintenance and repair system must be strictly fulfilled to guaranty a secure and efficient operation, and to minimize downtime.
6. Group Management and Spirituality First 
Uncompromisingly follow relevant requirements of standardized team construction; set a benchmarking example to lead the team; require employees to undertake responsibility, efficiently finish the tasks, and be aggressive and industrious.

IV. Evaluation of the "Operations First"

The assessment results of the "operations first" focus on client evaluation. The evaluation index shall be based on clients' major concerns.
All main departments shall timely organize all projects under construction and conduct self-assessment on the basis of value creation for clients, operating quality, HSE fulfillment, efficiency, equipment maintenance, group management and spirituality, etc. 
Meanwhile, state corporations shall have communication and exchange with clients immediately, solicit assessment and opinions on Anton's operations. If Anton's operations fail to rank first, Anton must make improvement measures and plans without delay on the basis of the self-assessment results. If ranking first, Anton shall strive to copy and popularize such achievements to the greater market and more clients.